Kome Ajegbo
Kome Ajegbo
Structured Product Solutions + Sustainability

Africa Finance Corporation (AFC)


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Keynote leaders panel: What’s driving the African Sovereigns?

Malick Ba
Director of Financing and Public Private Partnerships,
Ministère Economie Sénégal
Kome Ajegbo
Structured Product Solutions + Sustainability,
Africa Finance Corporation (AFC)
Wole Lawuyi
Chief Investment Officer - Energy Finance,
African Development Bank (AfDB)
Jim Hodges
Head of Regional Hub for Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean,
European Investment Bank (EIB)

In the first panel discussion of Africa 2024, we hear from the African Sovereigns and development finance leaders on their plans, priorities, and what support they need from the rest of the world to bring these developments to life.

  • What are the most exciting project opportunities in Africa? 
  • What initiatives do governments, DFIs & MDBs have in place to support social sustainability and development? 
  • How are DFI/MDB offerings complementing private sector finance, and are African sovereigns utilising this?