Ntombifuthi Mdluli
Ntombifuthi Mdluli
Senior Underwriter, Short Term Insurance

ECIC (Export Credit Insurance Corporation of South Africa)

South Africa

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ECA panel: A deeper look at ECA appetite in Africa

Greg Fyfe
Head ECA and Agency Finance,
Standard Bank
Dirk van den Berg
Head of Export Finance for Southern Africa,
UK Export Finance
Ntombifuthi Mdluli
Senior Underwriter, Short Term Insurance,
ECIC (Export Credit Insurance Corporation of South Africa)
Richard Ebel
Executive Sponsor,

Whilst the breakout ECA workshop goes back to the basics of ECA cover, this session provides a deep dive into ECA cover in Africa. 

  • How is the economic and political landscape impacting ECA risk profile and activity? 
  • Are ECAs doing anything to become less selective in terms of what countries they can cover?
  • Is ECA appetite changing in terms of appetite for longer term cover, and why?
  • How do ECAs incorporate social sustainability as well as environmental into project eligibility?